30 Shiphay Lane, Torquay TQ2 7DY
T: 01803 613215

Y7-11 Absence Line: 01803 653 750

30 Shiphay Lane, Torquay TQ2 7DY
E:   T: 01803 613215
Y7-11 Absence Line: 01803 653 750

Years 9 & 10 have joined the Devon Cricket Champions!!!!!

So, not content with just being Y8 Devon Cricket Champions, our students have gone one step further and taken the title of Years 9 and 10 Devon Cricket Champions too!!

They will go through to compete in the next round in July!

They were a wild card through to the finals and ended up winning all of their games convincingly, with an amazing performance from all - congratulations!

Keep going girls - let's make it a clean sweep!

Team:  Naomi Hancock (capt), Charlotte Greenwood, Molly Hichens, Amber Goodland, Amber Ridgeway, Matilda Ivory, Lucy Mays, Molly Moorman, Nahla Hussain and Zara Joseph 

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