30 Shiphay Lane, Torquay TQ2 7DY
T: 01803 613215

Y7-11 Absence Line: 01803 653 750

30 Shiphay Lane, Torquay TQ2 7DY
E:   T: 01803 613215
Y7-11 Absence Line: 01803 653 750

Sarah Jennings - School Counsellor

Sarah JenningsSarah Jennings is a registered member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) and a member of the BACP’s young people’s division, attending their conference annually. Additionally, she is a member of a Trauma association and a registered online and telephone counsellor.

Sarah has worked supporting children and young people for over 25 years in schools, the NHS and charities, including a charity working with bereaved children and one working with children who have been abused.

She have diplomas in integrative counselling, working with eating disorders and working with young people. Sarah has completed additional training in many areas of counselling including working with trauma, anxiety, grief, abuse, suicidal thoughts and self-harm and therapeutically with a sand tray and nature. She is a Cognitive Behavioural and solution focused trained therapist. Ultimately her aim is to help a client face their challenges and discover their inner strength and be able to develop their own coping strategies.

Sarah is passionate about counselling and spends much of her spare time reading or attending conferences and workshops to discover more. She is particularly interested in the impact of events on the brain and body and working creatively. Her other passion is being with nature and walking or running with her springer spaniel Patch who is also her therapeutic companion in private practice


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