30 Shiphay Lane, Torquay TQ2 7DY
T: 01803 613215

Y7-11 Absence Line: 01803 653 750

30 Shiphay Lane, Torquay TQ2 7DY
E:   T: 01803 613215
Y7-11 Absence Line: 01803 653 750

IoT World Forum Young Women's Innovation Grand Challenge

Three of our year 11 students have entered The IoT World Forum Young Women’s Innovation Grand Challenge, a global innovation challenge open to young women between the ages of 13-18.


By 2020 there will be 50B devices connected to the internet which will make things more efficient, solve new business problems and better people’s lives. Already, many devices are connecting to the internet at an unprecedented pace.The aim of the challenge is to recognize, promote, and reward young innovators as they come up with new uses for Internet of Things technologies. The girls have looked into areas that they see as a problem you see today or expect to emerge in the next 5 years and how connecting more devices and everyday objects to the internet or other networks could help to solve this problem?

They have come up with the idea of an app that would link with heart pace makers, to allow patients to monitor their own heart rate and blood pressure at home. This firstly would relieve pressure on the NHS but with the combination of a GPS and instant signal to 999 services would allow immediate response to a patient if their pace maker failed.

We wish the girls good luck in their attempt in passing round one on the 18th May.


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