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Our School Values

Welcome to Sixth Form

A welcome from

Head of Sixth Form

We have been pioneers in providing outstanding girls’ education for over 100 years. Our track record speaks for itself, with the majority of students obtaining places at university or securing higher level degree apprenticeships. However, we are more than just an academic provider, student wellbeing and female empowerment is at the heart of what we do.

You will be fully supported in all your endeavours and encouraged to fulfil your potential. We offer a diverse Sixth Form experience with opportunities to travel, lead, attend conferences, participate in the local community, whilst also making new friends over a coffee in the café. We are very proud of our girls and what they achieve here. They not only succeed academically, they also develop confidence, independence, resilience, a strong social conscience and a can do mentality. So join us at TGGS and dare to accomplish something special. We look forward to meeting you very soon.

Mrs Tania Grigg

Live and Learn

Our Curriculum

Our curriculum intent is to realise our vision to equip students for a future in which they have the academic qualifications, character skills and high self-esteem to make decisions that lead to long, happy and content lives.

As an Academy, we focus on the individual student. We want them to achieve the best possible academic outcomes, but in preparing them for their next steps we know that is not enough; they need to develop their character skills and be able to articulate them as they progress through their career.


Dear Ms Browne, following results day, I just wanted to send you this message to formally express my thanks for all your support over my A-level politics. On September 1st will be attending UCL to study Politics and International Relations, and this honestly wouldn't have been possible without the dedicationthat both you and Mr Endersby have shown. I have found year 13 politics especially interesting, and I will hold very fond memories of my time studying the A-level. Thank you for all of your help over the A-level, I really appreciate it! Best wishes for the future

S - Year 13 Leaver

Dear Headteacher, I was so impressed by your students on a visit to cover the Tudor part of the Palace. Throughout the 1 1/2 hour tour they listened, asked a lot of intelligent questions, and were polite and considerate towards other visitors as they too were making their way through the apartments. The body language and behaviour of any school group quickly tells you of the high standards of discipline set by their teachers, Rachel North and her male colleague. The students clearly respected their teachers, for the love and passion of history, brought to their lessons and this undoubtedly motivated them. This was evident from talking to some of your girls when they told me what they knew of Martin Luther's part of the Reformation. Your students have been a real credit to the good name of your school. Best wishes to your staff and students for exam success. Guide Lecturer October 2023

Lower Sixth form visit to Hampton Court

Hello Rachel, first and foremost I would like to sing the praises of your Lower Sixth Form girls. They listened, asked lots of questions and were very considerate towards other visitors along the Tudor route. They seemed highly motivated and from talking to some of your girls, they were so passionate about history. You and your colleague have been a great influence in that direction. Your students were a real credit to the good name of your school. Mr E Guide Lecturer - Hampton Court Palace September 2023

History and Politics Trip

Dear Ms Browne, following results day, I just wanted to send you this message to formally express my thanks for all your support over my A-level politics. On September 1st will be attending UCL to study Politics and International Relations, and this honestly wouldn't have been possible without the dedicationthat both you and Mr Endersby have shown. I have found year 13 politics especially interesting, and I will hold very fond memories of my time studying the A-level. Thank you for all of your help over the A-level, I really appreciate it! Best wishes for the future, S August 2023

Thank You

I left TGGS in 2020 and I have just graduated from the University of Warwick with a first-class degree in English Literature. I have flourished academically, socially, and personally. I have focused upon my love of literature and my passion for academics, rather than my grades, which has made me both happier and much more successful. At the end of my second year at university, I decided to apply for masters courses in English Literature to continue my studies. Now confident and secure in my academic abilities, I reapplied to Oxford (as well as Cambridge, Durham, and Bristol). I was offered places at all the universities I applied to, and I will begin studying at Oxford in October. I am writing this email, firstly, to thank everyone at TGGS for their support during my secondary school education. Thank you for being such a wonderful Head of Sixth Form and Politics teacher. If they are still at TGGS, please pass on my thanks to Ms North, Mrs Beal, and especially Mrs Preston. July 2023

Alumna Thank You

I just wanted to thank you for all the help you have given me the last two years. I really appreciate you pushing me and not just letting me slack off! I think you are an incredible Biology teacher. I will miss you and thank you for everything!! June 2023

You're the Best!

I want to thank you for your never-ending effort to be the best Biology teacher and incredible Ten Tors Team Manager. Your continued support and guidance have inspired me to study Biiology at degree level and, hopefully, beyond. June 2023

Never-ending effort...

I was reflecting back on my degree and kept thinking about how it really was your teaching at A-Level which got me excited about history and encouraged me to pursue it. I wanted to say thank you for that – Covid cut things short, but now as I look back on my study of history thus far, your teaching stands out as a kind of pivotal moment. June 2023

THANK YOU to Ms North - Amazing History Teacher

I just wanted to send an email to let you know how studying History at university is going so far. I've been amazed throughout the module with just how much I was already aware of from studying A-level with you, which has also made all new information so exciting. You did such an amazing job and went so much beyond the spec which is coming in so useful now. I was surprised in one of my workshops to learn that I was one of only 2 to have heard of the Evil May Day riots of 1517 prior to that week's lectures. This is truly a comment on how thoroughly we covered the Tudors with you and how far you went beyond what you technically had to cover. Basically, I'm really enjoying university and cannot thank you enough for all your efforts over the 5 years you taught me, which really allow me to enjoy studying History and develop particular interests which I can't wait to delve even deeper into in the next 2 years. March 2023

Alumna Thank You

Just to say a huge thank you to Mr Magee, Mrs Grigg and Ms Burns for being so kind in taking our daughters on the geography field trip. Both girls said they thoroughly enjoyed themselves, especially the hike in the Lake District, which they found beautiful and awe inspiring. As well as the obvious academic benefits, I'm sure they have gained a lot in terms of independence and personal responsibility. March 2023

Geography Field Trip

Dear Ms Saunders, A quick note to thank you and the other teachers for taking my daughter on such a brilliant school trip! She had an absolutely fantastic time and has been talking non-stop about it. We are very proud of her for taking part in the Menin Gate ceremony - thanks to whoever videoed it! We really appreciate all the time and effort it must take in organising the trip, let alone giving up your time to take them all over there. I would have thanked you in person yesterday but it was all a bit busy and I bet you couldn’t wait to get home!! Hope you have a very well deserved restful weekend. Please pass on my thanks to all the staff. Mrs H - June 2024

History Trip Thank You