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TGGS Governance & Finance

TGGS Trust Board & Finance

  • Chair of Trustees - Ms Louisa Brown
    c/o TGGS, 30 Shiphay Lane, Torquay TQ2 7DY
  • Vice Chair - Mr James Arnold
  • Headteacher - Ms Sarah Forster

Co-Opted Trustees

  • Mr Matthew Thompson
  • Ms Ellen Ward
  • Ms Chelsey King
  • Mrs Judith Middleton
  • Miss Madeleine Dale
  • Mrs Sarah Meunier
  • Mr Duncan Grant

Parent Trustees

  • Mr James Arnold
  • Ms Louisa Brown

Ex Officio

  • Ms Sarah Forster (Headteacher)

Clerk to the Trust Board

If you need to contact any of the Trustees, please contact them through the Clerk to the Trust Board

Torquay Girls' Grammar School Academy Trust

Company Number: 07494620

Registered in England and Wales

Registered Office: 30 Shiphay Lane, Torquay TQ2 7DY

Number of employees whose gross annual salary exceeds £100K: 1 (salary including benefits between £120,000 - £130,000)

Schools Financial Benchmarking Service

Torquay Girls Grammar School - Schools Financial Benchmarking - GOV.UK (

Members of the TGGS Academy Trust:

  • Mr James Stock - elected 16/01/24
  • Mr Robert James Owers - elected 16/10/19
  • Mrs Kate Barton - elected 8/11/19


Funding Agreement and Memorandum of Association - available on request

Accounting Officer: Ms Sarah Forster (Headteacher)