TGGS Trust Board & Finance
- Chair of Trustees - Mr James Arnold
c/o TGGS, 30 Shiphay Lane, Torquay TQ2 7DY - Vice Chair - Ms Louisa Brown
- Headteacher - Ms Sarah Forster
Co-Opted Trustees
- Mr Matthew Thompson
- Ms Chelsey King
- Mrs Judith Middleton
- Miss Madeleine Dale
- Mrs Sarah Meunier
- Mr Duncan Grant
- Mr Toby Kendall
Parent Trustees
- Mr James Arnold
- Ms Louisa Brown
Ex Officio
- Ms Sarah Forster (Headteacher)
Governance Professional
- Mrs Kim Williams -
If you need to contact any of the Trustees, please contact them through the Governance Professional to the Trust Board
Torquay Girls' Grammar School Academy Trust
Company Number: 07494620
Registered in England and Wales
Registered Office: 30 Shiphay Lane, Torquay TQ2 7DY
Number of employees whose gross annual salary including benefits exceeds £100,000:
Total = 2
In the band £150,000-£160,000 = 1
In the band £100,000-£110,000 = 1
Schools Financial Benchmarking Service
Members of the TGGS Academy Trust:
- Mr James Stock
- Mr Robert James Owers
- Mrs Kate Barton
- Ms Ellen Ward
Funding Agreement and Memorandum of Association - available on request
Accounting Officer: Ms Sarah Forster (Headteacher)