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Women make up 24% of the STEM workforce

stem logo

We at TGGS are working both in the school and within our community to make a difference to this dismaying statistic.

Last year over 50% our Year 13 students went on to study STEM related degrees, and there are increasing numbers of students opting to study engineering and technical sciences after finishing their A levels.  We would love to increase the number of students choosing STEM subjects, especially in engineering and technology.  There are many reasons for girls choosing a career in a STEM related subject, not least of all the fantastic opportunities it offers in terms of a really satisfying and varied career.  Here is a video about some important STEM career facts:

STEM Career Video

How are we encouraging our students to consider a STEM related career?

Weekly STEM Club.  Our fantastic Year 12 prefects help support our laboratory technicians and Science staff.  We work on a two-week cycle; one week we have a practical activity or investigation that students can take part in.  They are often competitive, always require a deal of scientific application and an engineering mind, and most of all are great fun.  The next week we have a competition or paper-based activity when students can come in and polish up their STEM skills without getting their hands dirty.

STEM related trips.  Whenever possible we take students out on trips to participate in STEM related activities, for example fieldwork in Biology or Geology.  Sometimes we manage to take out a whole year group.  On other occasions we will take a more focused group to a more specialised activity.  For example, recently we had a team participate in and ultimately win the National Manufacturing Day 2022 with Hymid UK.

STEM competitions.  We encourage and help our girls participate in STEM related competitions both within school, the community, nationally and internationally.  As well as having a highly commended entrant in the Talent 2030 National Engineering Competition for Girls, we have had students participate and gain medals in the 2022 edition of the International Earth Science Olympiad.

Challenge Day activities in school. On challenge days in school, we organise STEM activities across a whole year group to give all of the students an opportunity to get involved in a STEM activity, even those who may not think that they are of an engineering inclination.  Many are surprised how engaging the technical challenges can be, and whilst not considering themselves STEM-wise, see careers in technology in a new light.