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Home Learning

How to Access Home Learning

Any student who is unable to attend school should use the following information to access their lessons from home.

Home Learning Overview

  1. Lesson details will be uploaded to Teams by your child’s usual teachers, as per their normal school timetable. Some teachers will direct students to further resources, and some may record some live lessons during the normal lesson time. These recordings will be available via Teams.
  2. Students should expect to work for the whole of the timetabled lesson.
  3. Students should have note paper or their exercise book plus the usual stationery for a lesson to hand (pen, pencil, ruler, calculator, geometry set).

How to Access Home Learning

  1. Students have their own Office 365 account which gives them free access to a number of apps including Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Teams. Students should log in to Office 365 here: with their school email address* and the password they would usually use at school.
  2. To access work, go to the Teams app. Here students will find their classes which they should click into for work set by their usual teacher.
  3. It is important students watch the video here to see how to access their lesson resources and assignments:
  4. Students need to remember to access lessons for the correct day, according to their normal timetable.
  5. Students can contact their subject teachers by posting a message on the Teams ‘Channel’ (this Channel is visible to all members of their class team) or via chat.
  6. Students must check their Teams Channels and Teams Calendar daily.

*Student emails are: "username"

We encourage students to communicate to staff via Teams, but they can also access their Outlook emails through Office 365 and use this to contact their Form Teacher, Head of Year or Subject Teachers. It is important students only contact staff using their school email address.

Should a student experience any issues with the tasks set via Teams, or wish to complete some additional work, they may also like to access the Oak National Academy, which is the government’s approved remote learning site: Or, the well-established BBC Bitesize website: Many of our teachers will also have shared subject-specific websites with their classes to supplement learning.

Safe and appropriate use of Teams

At all times, students must adhere to the school’s ICT Acceptable Usage Policy.

Forgotten Password

To reset a student password, a parent/carer will need to email and include their child’s full name, form group, date of birth and username. Our ICT team will respond to password requests Monday to Friday between 9.00am and 3.30pm.

Further guidance

If you have any further questions or queries about your child’s online learning, please refer to our Remote Education Guidance for Parents and Carers.

See our Covid19 Information and Guidance page for advice about when to stay away from school and other useful links.