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Curriculum Overview & Subject Info


Our curriculum intent is to realise our vision to equip students for a future in which they have the academic qualifications, character skills and high self-esteem to make decisions that lead to long, happy and content lives.

  1. Academic qualifications – Students achieve academic qualifications placing the Trust in the top 10% of all schools in the UK.
  2. High self-esteem – Students develop a high self-esteem as a result of an exemplary contextual safeguarding curriculum alongside outstanding personal development and pastoral care.
  3. Character skills – Students develop character skills that they can evidence and articulate throughout their careers including Leadership, Teamwork, Aiming High, Problem Solving, Speaking, Listening, Creativity and Staying Positive.

As an Academy, we focus on the individual student. We want them to achieve the best possible academic outcomes, but in preparing them for their next steps we know that is not enough; they need to develop their character skills and be able to articulate them as they progress through their career.

In educating all our young people we want them to be happy and content in their lives. At TGGS we have an open approach to health and well-being, and we explicitly teach healthy habits, personal development, PSHE and national and contextual safeguarding throughout their time at TGGS. At TGGS we are very proud of our students who really do go the extra mile to enrich their time at school. We encourage our students to engage in outdoor education including Ten Tors and the Duke of Edinburgh awards, in 2021/22 there 350 participants in DofE Awards.

Inclusion and diversity are at the heart of all we do, and our students are actively encouraged to be history makers of the future, leading students and others in making the world a better place for us all. We achieve this through our self-improving approach to education, with leaders that are thorough, reflective and at the forefront of changes in the educational landscape and national issues affecting young people.

Our physical location in Torquay is not a barrier in our drive to be a world leading school. We utilize technology to our advantage to be well connected and influential on the world stage.

KS3 Years 7-9

We believe that students should develop a strong, intellectual foundation of knowledge that inspires a passion for learning that will last their whole life. Teachers focus on developing key knowledge and its application - not just the techniques required for their subject, but also the well-being and metacognitive skills that develop students’ character, and the leadership skills to be able to support their local community and contribute towards discussion, debate, and action in national and international concerns.

Throughout KS3, students fully cover the National Curriculum and go beyond. Students are taught discrete subjects by subject specialists in English, Mathematics, Science, French, German, Spanish, Physical Education, Geography, History, Religion, Philosophy & Ethics, Art, Music, Computing & IT, Food Preparation & Nutrition, Textiles, Drama, PSHE, Citizenship and Careers Education.

Our experienced staff have placed much thought into the creation of a well sequenced and coherent knowledge-rich curriculum that will last long in students’ memories. As well as developing depth of understanding, our curriculum is broad and stays broad throughout key stage 3. We teach French, German and Spanish up until the end of Year 9. Options are made in year 9 for the start of GCSE courses in year 10.

KS4 Years 10-11

Through the use of activities to enable recall and retrieval, supporting the development of long-term learning, students are challenged to develop their knowledge and its application in a wide range of GCSEs. Alongside PSHE, Citizenship, Careers Education, Core Ethics & Values and Core Physical Education, students study 9 GCSEs in Years 10 and 11. All students will study English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Science, and their option of a language and humanity.

TGGS provides an intellectually rigorous broad and balanced curriculum with 90% of our students will be entered for the EBACC. To inspire maximum motivation throughout KS4, students are given the option to choose between Religious Studies, Geography or History in their Humanities Option. We believe that giving our students this choice, with the option of taking a second humanities subject if they wish, enables students to develop a broad range of knowledge and skills whilst the choice supports students to remain happy and enthusiastic throughout year 10 and 11.

They will also choose one of French, German or Spanish as their language. Students also have two further open choices to make between the following: Art & Design (Fine Art), Business Studies, Computer Science, Drama, French, Geography, German, Spanish, History, Music, PE, Religious Studies & Triple Science. For those students who want to an even broader suite of qualifications, there is the additional opportunity to gain an extra GCSE in Geology. Level 2 Further Mathematics is also offered to those students in Set 1 and 2 meaning just under 40% of students will complete this.

For those that want it, a suite of 11 qualifications is on offer but we put high emphasis on students’ wellbeing. From discussions with further education providers, we know that having 8 strong GCSE qualifications is enough to allow our students every opportunity they may wish to pursue in the future. So, studying 9 as a minimum will give our students the balance between being able to achieve 8 strong GCSEs whilst also having time to do as well as they can and develop their characters through enrichment and extra-curricular activities. Personal development is one of the many strengths of TGGS.

Our aim is unashamedly for all students to reach their academic potential. This is achieved through building on the bedrock of excellent and rigorous teaching. Our staff our extremely experienced, with many of them having held, or holding, positions of responsibility and working as examiners and moderators. We also have many staff who have a PhD or Masters in their subject or are working towards other qualifications. They are completely committed to the success of our students. But that success is very much not limited to grades.

We are equally committed to the development of character skills, self-esteem and the wellbeing of our students. Through the development of our Ten Habits Programme which is mapped through PSHE lessons and supported by many other departments such as PE, Technology, Science and our Enrichment offer, students develop the habits to help them live a long, happy and healthy life. The character skills we value as a school have been inspired by the essential skills that employers want in employees and our detailed careers programme motivates students to aspire to a wide range of employment opportunities.

KS5 Year 12-13

In sixth form we encourage our students to take on additional leadership responsibilities. Some of these opportunities include: joining the Head Girl Team – a pivotal role within school which develops students’ leadership and management skills; acting as Heads of House, promoting and encouraging a strong house culture throughout school; running the HUB scheme and leading and organising in-house academic and pastoral support for the lower years. Students are also able to work closely with Heads of Departments as Academic Ambassadors, promoting and supporting learning in their subjects. Within the wider community, students also lead the Junior League of Friends and a local Amnesty Group. Students have a wide-ranging tutorial programme that develops character and life skills, ensuring they are ready for the challenges of the 21st century. Many choose to develop their critical thinking skills by opting to undertake the Extended Project.

Most of our students take three A Level subjects chosen from an extensive range - some individuals take four. Some study an AS level in a creative subject, alongside their three A levels, in Art & Design, Drama & Theatre Studies, or Music. Students have free choice from the following: Fine Art, Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, Computer Science, Drama and Theatre Studies, Economics, English Literature, French, Geography, Geology, German, History, Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Media Studies, Music, Philosophy, Physical Education, Physics, Politics, Psychology, Sociology and Spanish.

Students complete their journey at TGGS by developing skills that will enable them to achieve the best academic outcomes to allow them the greatest prospects on completion of their 7-year journey. Through the well thought out and clearly sequenced curriculum, as well as our huge offer of enrichment activities; and because of the expertise of our experienced staff, students gain a love of learning and knowledge that will be secure in their long-term memory for years to come. The disciplinary and substantive knowledge that our students will have developed and through the leadership and extracurricular opportunities they take part in, students develop the self-esteem and character skills that will man that they are able to flourish in any of the further challenges they take on, and are able to lead long, healthy and happy lives.

Eliminating Discrimination

The school is aware of its obligations under the Equality Act 2010 and complies with non-discrimination provisions. Where relevant, our policies include reference to the importance of avoiding discrimination and other prohibited conduct. Staff and trustees are regularly reminded of their responsibilities under the Equality Act. New staff receive training relating to the Equality Act as part of their induction, and all staff receive refresher training every September. The school has a designated member of staff for monitoring equality issues, and an equality link trustee. They regularly liaise regarding any issues and make senior leaders and governors aware of these as appropriate.

Making the curriculum accessible

We work hard to ensure that our curriculum is inclusive and is able to be accessible to all students, including those with disabilities or special educational needs. We ensure that where it is necessary, we provide provision that is additional to, or different from, that of other students to enable all students to progress and participate fully to realise our vision to gain the academic qualifications, character skills and high self-esteem to make decisions that lead to long, happy and content lives.


Challenge Day

Students complete 2 “Challenge Days” throughout the year to enhance the curriculum and develop key skills. It allows staff to collaborate with colleagues outside of their departments and develops students’ cultural capital.

Challenge Day 1 - 23 October 2024:

Year Group Challenge
Year 7 Teambuilding Day
Year 8 History Trip
Year 9  Science Trip
Year 10 Careers and Teambuilding
Year 11 Computer Science Skills
Year 12 Teambuilding trip
Year 13 Study Day / Mentoring

Challenge Day 2 - 31 January 2025:

Year Group Challenge
Year 7 Geography Trip
Year 8 Teambuilding Day
Year 9 Careers and Teambuilding
Year 10 Codes and Cyphers
Year 11 Day 2 of Y11 residential
Year 12 EPQ Day
Year 13 Study Day / Mentoring


There are many lunchtime and sporting clubs on offer: Clubs List | Torquay Girls' Grammar School (

And we offer lunchtime support clubs for students. Departments run these depending on the need and demand:
Lunchtime Help Timetable | Torquay Girls' Grammar School (

Further support for students: Counselling Support Services | Torquay Girls' Grammar School (

Curriculum Map for 24/25:

Links to the subjects we offer at Years 7-11 are below. To find out about A-level subjects please visit our Sixth Form pages.