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Head of Careers – Mr G Neighbour FGS
Independent Careers Advisor – Mrs C Tully

Curricular Intent:
Students are encouraged to experience and learn about the workplace and the skills and qualities valued in it, so that they are fully informed and ambitious in their career choices and well prepared for ambitious future pathways.

Tweets from @TGGSCareers

Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) is embedded into the schools PSHE and tutorial programmes. Our Careers teaching is aimed at increasing our students’ self-awareness as well as developing a knowledge of the opportunities in the world of work in further and higher education.

Our students are given the opportunity to investigate and practice a wide range of skills related to the world of work. Outside speakers provide valuable help and we are proud that our students are given the opportunity to attend a wide variety of events either hosted by the school or external agencies.  These include our regular careers conferences and specialist careers events including our popular “Speed Careers Networking Event”. We are supported by local careers services and all of our students have access to an independent careers advisor.

Students have access to a wide range of resources both from our careers reference and resource area, as well as online.  Students are also notified about apprenticeship, careers, further education and higher education opportunities via our daily notices.  Our central school careers notice-board features regularly updated information sheets and opportunities.

Students are encouraged to engage with a variety of online and offline resources with regard to CEIAG. 

Student are able to access Unifrog (a complete destinations programme), Kudos (a detailed and readily accessible careers guidance programme) and icould (a popular video site where students are able to explore a variety of career paths)

Discover more about the TGGS Careers Programme

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