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Ethos & Values

Thank you for your interest in joining us here at Torquay Girls’ Grammar School.

We have been educating bright students from Devon for over one hundred years now. The outcomes for young people who come here are excellent; our academic results place us as one of the top schools nationally for both attainment and progress. Ofsted rate us as outstanding in all categories and our students go on to top universities, apprenticeships and employment opportunities.

However, these facts do not convey the real essence of our school, which is more about a way of thinking. It is about helping our pupils to believe they can achieve anything.

We are high achieving and proud of it; we are not afraid to celebrate the elite whether in the sphere of academia, sport or the arts. However, because we know that students work better when they are happy and relaxed, we also have an enormous amount of fun. Our strong house culture means that students are involved in activities like our whole school sponsored walk from Brixham back to Torquay, and the House Shout where students and staff compete in their Houses to sing a song to the rest of the school.

We believe that students here are ‘history makers’ of the future, and the curriculum enables them to develop their character skills and self esteem, alongside their academic success.

Our extra-curricular opportunities, including trips and clubs, help develop the character skills in our students. These skills including leadership, aiming high, staying positive, creativity, problem solving, speaking, listening and teamwork. We want our young people to have lots of fun and experiences during their time at TGGS and our curriculum is designed with that in mind. Trips locally to the Marine Aquarium or Eden project, trips nationally such as to the Old Bailey or Globe Theatre, and international trips which have seen our students ride horses across Mongolia, visit art museums in New York, scuba dive in Cuba, walk across glaciers in Iceland and ride camels in India.

We are proud of our pastoral system where, as a smaller school, we get to know all our students well. Staff respond quickly and efficiently to ensure that they feel happy and secure. We believe that being a single sex school enables us to focus on the style of learning, and particularly the social environment, in which our students feel most comfortable. They are not embarrassed to speak out, take part or hold strong views. They are enthusiastic about taking on responsibilities, and few suffer “teenage cynicism” about being keen or clever; on the contrary, they are full of enthusiasm for a great many things – including school! They want us to know all about their achievements and their lives outside school.

We have recently transformed one of our buildings into a wellbeing centre, with our outdoor education on the lower floor and our centre for mental health support upstairs. We are also opening a new Learning Resource Centre. Designed by students, for students, it promises to be a hub of activity.

As the only state, selective girls’ school in the area, we believe that this is a very special and unique place in which to learn. Students here can achieve anything they desire. I encourage you to apply and wish you every success.

Ms S Forster