Pupil premium students achieve exceptionally well at TGGS. What makes TGGS outstanding in that, despite national trends, is that we have remained determined to ensure that students are relentlessly supported to overcome barriers they face, achieving outstanding results enabling them to break the glass ceiling in their chosen career.
In 2022, two of our pupil premium students were offered places at Oxbridge as a result of their exceptional results and character.
We are proud to have been able to use funding to support our pupil premium students with electronic devices, reading books, software, discounted music tuition and a contribution towards key educational trips. We remove all barriers for our pupil premium students and have a bespoke offer for their individual needs.
TGGS is an inclusive school. The Headteacher, with support from staff and current students, encourage visits from local primary schools, open days and school tours. In addition to this, the doors are opened for local schools to come and see our concerts and musical productions. In 2022 we held FSM taster days for over 100 students in Years 3,5 & 6.
The Headteacher, following consultation, has now changed the 11+ admissions test so that it is accessible to every girl. The content of the test includes only material children learn through the National curriculum in Year 5 at school. There is no need for tuition.
If your child is eligible for Pupil Premium/Free School Meals, we are pleased to be able to offer access to an online package of free resources.
We encourage and welcome all prospective children and families to visit our school and apply to do the 11+ test. If you would like to arrange a tour of the school please visit our latest news page to book onto a tour. If no tours are listed, our next open event will be shown.
In 2011, a government study recognised that students who are disadvantaged face a risk of underachievement on both an academic and social level in comparison to their peers. As a result, schools receive extra funding to support these students to ensure there are not significant gaps between those students who are disadvantaged, known as pupil premium and those who are not.
To qualify for the pupil premium recognition, a child will be:
- Accessing Free School Meals currently or within the last 6 years of their school career.
- In the care of the local authority and a Looked after Child.
Funding is also available to students who are the children of service personnel, regardless of their income or status within their respective armed force.
Parents of our current and prospective pupil premium students can find out more about how we support our students through our Pupil premium statement link below.
If your child is not currently receiving free school meals, and your circumstances have changed, please follow this link to the application page. Free school meals - Torbay Council
Below is our 2024-27 Pupil Premium Statement and Review of 2023-24