KS3 Overview
We expose the learners to the use and development of Computer Science Tools throughout their study during Key Stage 3. Computer Science allows them to be an effective author of computational tools (i.e. software), whilst also allowing them to become increasingly independent users of Computers. Currently, at KS3 learners study Computer Science as a discrete subject and have at least one lesson every week. The onus is on the learners developing their skills to enable them to become competent and confident users of computers with the final aim of allowing them to judge when and how it might be used to help their work in other subjects.
Computer Science is a discipline that seeks to understand and explore the world around us, both natural and artificial, in computational terms. Computer Science is particularly, but by no means exclusively, concerned with the study, design, and implementation of computer systems, and understanding the principles underlying these designs. These skills will enable them to become authors of computational tools rather than simply users. As adult workers, young people will be applying for jobs that have not yet been invented. Technology changes but the principles and concepts upon which they are built remain constant. A good grounding in Computer Science will teach young people how to deal with change later in life and play an active and effective role in the digital world.
In Year 7 the learners are developing their skills in a wide range of areas as may be seen below:
Unit 00 – Understanding the TGGS Computer System and E-Safety
Unit 01 – Computer Crime and Cyber Security
Unit 02 – Computer Basics
Unit 03 – BlockPy Programming (Baseline Assessment of Programming Skills)
Unit 04 – Flowol (Sequencing Instructions in an Applied Context)
Unit 05 – Small Basic Programming
In Year 8 the learners are working on developing and extending the skills they have acquired in year 7. This involves a number of discrete small projects that allows the learners to further enhance their knowledge of the subject:
Unit 06 – E-Safety and the Law
Unit 07 – Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Unit 08 – Web Page Design (HTML)
Unit 09 – Programming with Python
Unit 10 – App Development in AppShed
In Year 9 the learners are working on developing their independence when developing a solution to a Computer Science Problem. This again involves a number of discrete small projects that will allow the learners to further enhance their knowledge of the subject and prepares them for study of the subject at GCSE and beyond:
Unit 11 – Handling Data on Computers
Unit 12 – Turning Tumble (Developing understanding of Logical Operations)
Unit 13 – Girls Who Code (Advanced Python Programming)
Unit 14 – Online Safety and Data Security
Unit 15 – Mars InSight (Applied Programming and Data Modelling)
There are 3 core assessment pieces per year at Key Stage 3; these are completed during lessons or as homework. Verbal feedback is given during lessons and written feedback is given after each assessment. Students are given time develop their knowledge and skills in response to this feedback.
Building on KS2 and preparing for KS4…
The curriculum has been developed to build on the skills gained during KS2. Visits are undertaken by staff to local primary schools to ensure that there is an awareness of the curriculum being delivered at Key Stage 2 and ensures that development of skills is shared and developed.
The KS3 curriculum has been written so that students learn the following skills which will set them up for further study at KS4:
- understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, decomposition, logic, algorithms, and data representation
- analyse problems in computational terms through practical experience of solving such problems, including designing, writing and debugging programs to do so
- think creatively, innovatively, analytically, logically and critically
- understand the impacts of digital technology to the individual and to wider society
- apply mathematical skills relevant to computer science.
For students who do not take the subject at GCSE level, the National Curriculum for Key Stage 4 is covered through three strands, allowing them to still develop the skills required to be able to use computers confidently.
This has been achieved through:
- Mapping the use of computer science, digital media and information technology within the different departments.
- Challenge Days where the focus is on developing students algorithmic thinking skills and programming skills.
- Delivery of E-Safety and Cyber Security training through the PSHE curriculum.
KS3 Assessment
A mixture of both formative and summative assessment is used to assess the subject.
A range of Formative Assessment Techniques are used which include:
- Retrieval practice;
- Show me;
- Active observation.
Summative assessments use a mixture of MCQ questions that are linked to the units of work that the students’ study in the individually units as detailed in the content.
In addition, there are projects that allow students to complete solutions to a range of problems set for them, for example the development and construction of web-pages.
KS3 Content
Y7 Content Autumn |
Unit 00 – Understanding the TGGS Computer System and E-Safety |
Y7 Content Spring |
Unit 02 – Computer Basics Unit 03 – BlockPy Programming (Baseline Assessment of Programming Skills) |
Y7 Content Summer |
Unit 04 – Flowol (Sequencing Instructions in an Applied Context) |
Y8 Content Autumn |
Unit 06 – E-Safety and the Law |
Y8 Content Spring |
Unit 08 – Web Page Design (HTML) |
Y8 Content Summer |
Unit 09 – Programming with Python |
Y9 Content Autumn |
Unit 11 – Handling Data on Computers |
Y9 Content Spring |
Unit 13 – Girls Who Code (Advanced Python Programming) |
Y9 Content Summer |
Unit 14 – Online Safety and Data Security
Useful Links & resources for KS3:
BBC Bitesize Computer Science - www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/zvc9q6f
Code.org - https://code.org/
Isaac Computer Science (Computer Science Journeys) - https://isaaccomputerscience.org/pages/computer_science_journeys_gallery
Python on-line compilers:
Python on-line tutorials here:
BAFTA Young Game Designers Competition:
Bebras Challange:
The textbooks used are:
"Python Programming Guide with Online Edition, Python Files & Videos” by CGP
(New KS3 Computing: Python Programming Guide with Online Edition, Python Files & Videos: superb for Year 7, 8 and 9 (CGP KS3 Computing): Amazon.co.uk: CGP Books, CGP Books: 9781837740659: Books).
“Python in easy steps, 2nd edition” by Mike McGrath
(Python in easy steps, 2nd edition: Amazon.co.uk: Mike McGrath: 9781840788129: Books).
“Computer Coding Python Projects for Kids: A Step-by-Step Visual Guide” by Carol Vorderman