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We have 2 spaces in our current Year 9 for any student wishing to join our School.

The admission tests will take place at the school during the morning on Wednesday 26th February 2025.

  • Applicants should have made demonstrable progress in National Curriculum subjects in line with that achieved by girls already in the relevant year group at TGGS.  This will be assessed through selection tests in English, Maths and Cognitive Ability testing.

The highest scoring student who passes the exams suites will be offered the place.  Successful candidate(s) will be expected to start on Tuesday 22nd April 2025.

We are well used to ensuring a smooth and welcoming transition for our new admissions.

If you know of anyone who may be interested in these places, please encourage them to contact Mrs Rumbelow, our Admissions Officer (Tel:  01803 616504) who will be able to provide you with further details and a test registration form. 

Alternatively, you can download our test registration form from our website:

CLICK HERE and either email or post to:

Mrs L Rumbelow
Torquay Girls’ Grammar School
30 Shiphay Lane
Devon TQ2 7DY


We look forward to hearing from you soon.