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The House Shout

This is one of the biggest and most exciting events in the House Culture calendar and takes place on the afternoon of the last day in the Summer Term. Each house secretly choses a song to perform to the whole school and a panel of independent judges. It is taken very seriously and both the students and staff have an afternoon off lessons to practise their singing and dance moves, and to organise their costumes.

On the day, the order of performance is drawn out of a hat and the event starts with the houses marching into the Hall chanting their house mottos. This has to be seen to be believed, the noise levels are incredible, the performances gripping; five groups of 150 girls and staff singing and moving in unison.

Once the houses have given their all, the judges award the House Shout Cup to the winning house, who then lead everyone in a rendition of the School song. The whole school then walks out into the long summer holiday.

There is also a mini-house shout at the lower school Christmas assembly when each house in the lower school sings one verse of Mariah Carey’s Christmas anthem. This competition is judged on volume alone, using an audiometer from the Physics department.