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We are delighted to be starting our journey of working with our new cohort of students for September 2024! 

Please find below the presentation from the Parents’ Information Evening held on Tuesday 18th June 2024. I

On Thursday 4th July 2024 there will be a ‘Taster Day’ for all students entering Year 7 in September 2024.  The day will give your child a taste of life at the school and they will have the opportunity to meet the other students and some of the staff.  It is also a good chance for the students to practice their journey to school.

  • Arrive at front entrance by 8.15am
  • The day will finish at 3.00pm

Please ensure they bring a pen and notebook as there will be several activities. They will need to bring money for lunch or their own packed lunch.  They will need to wear their primary school PE kit. 

This is an exciting time and hopefully the start of seven enjoyable, fulfilling years for your child at Torquay Girls’ Grammar School.  Please do not hesitate to contact us if there is anything else you wish to know.

that we have a taster day for all new students in July, so you will be able to come and experience your new school. This will take place on Thursday 4th of July 2024. On this day you will have a tour of the school, meet your buddy, experience lessons and much more.

Timeline of important dates / links to electronic forms / additional information

Information To be sent to families Deadline for completion/
date of event

Language preference & Friendship indication


W/c Monday 13th May 2024 Monday 20th May 2024

Initial student information form


W/c Monday 13th May 2024 Wednesday 22nd May 2024
Visits to primary schools commence Most will take place 3rd June – 28th June 2024  
Enhanced Transition Day – By invite only W/c Wednesday 5th June Wednesday 12th June 2024
Year 6 Parents’ Information Evening at TGGS 18.30-20.00pm  

Tuesday 18th June 2024

Parent/Carer attendance in person required

Student registration form W/c Monday 10th June 2024 Monday 24th June 2024
Transition day 2024 Not applicable Thursday 4th July 2024
First day in September Not applicable

Wednesday 4th September 2024

Students will attend school via their planned journey or via parents to be dropped off by 8.30am

They will spend the morning with their tutor, before starting their lessons after break time

(Please see school website for timings of the school day – click here)