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To support our delivery of careers, TGGS is keen on developing strong partnerships with a wide range of educational institutions, training providers and employers who may contribute to our careers programme through:

  • raising aspirations and increasing motivation – helping young people identify educational and occupational goals
  • demonstrating the relevance of the knowledge and skills learnt in subjects to future opportunities in learning and working
  • demonstrating the links between living, learning and earning
  • providing work enrichment opportunities including work experience, workplace visits, guest speakers, curriculum support.

If you wish to discuss any of the above please contact the schools Careers Leader, Mr Gordon Neighbour ( or our Work Experience Coordinator Mrs Sandra  Rolfe (


Can you Help? 

We are looking for support with Mock Interviews, our annual Speed Networking event, Careers Fair and lunchtime careers talks. 

Tell us how you can help with our Careers Provision

Find out about Careers Zones from Success at School

Download the Detailed Careers Programme

Provider Access Statement

CEIAG Policy

TGGS Work Experience Policy

Careers Strategy


Connecting Learners to Employers
A new careers tool featuring a live chat service which is linked 24/7 to employers from a wide range of sectors.


Find out how TGGS measures and assesses the impact of the Careers Programme on pupils