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A very independent and liberating subject that I enjoy because it engages your creative mind in a relaxed atmosphere that is difficult to find in other subjects.”  
TGGS student

Curricular Intent:
Dissected to its purest form, our aim is to deliver ‘Knowing producers who produce knowingly.’ In a more expanded manner, our goal is to equip students with the skills, knowledge and desire to critically engage with Art, Craft and Design, through each Key Stage, encompassing a wide range of cultural and historical starting points.

Great Art tries to answer the fundamental questions of our being – it is a form of visual philosophy that seeks to illuminate the arcane. We cannot claim that is what all, or even any, Art students at TGGS will be able to do by following Art A-level, merely that we attempt to begin the first faltering steps of a potentially life-long journey that cannot, and should not, have a final destination.

For more information please click to download the AS/A2 Art & Design Presentation and the Curriculum Document

Useful Link:

Art Career Guide

Current Teaching Staff:   

Mr S D Smedley - Head of Department
Miss Z Malone
Ms E Wildman

Examination board and syllabus:

OCR Fine Art