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ks3 textiles

The textiles Curriculum is run as a technology subject in years 7 & 8 in order to aid understanding of the design process and the properties of textiles, learn basic textile techniques and build confidence using the sewing machines and learning how to choose appropriate techniques and processes for their products.

In year 9 the focus changes more to creativity and although students sill follow the design and make process, they are encouraged to become more individual in their design choices, problem solving, building on and combining skills learned in years 7 & 8 to work with surface colour, texture and stitch in response to the work of artists and designers of their choice. In each year there are opportunities for students to extend their skills.

In Year 7 students make a cushion cover. They learn to safely use the irons and sewing machines and develop skills and techniques with:

  • fabric pens and crayons
  • applique
  • simple hems and seams

In Year 8 students design a repeat pattern fabric design and use their fabric to make a pencil case. They add to their technique took kit to develop skills in:

  • mono printing
  • block printing
  • tie dye
  • inserting a zip
  • top stitching
  • creating 3 dimensional shape in a product

In Year 9 Students have the choice of a range of artists to analyse and bring characteristics from their work into their own designing. They work with portraiture or pets as a theme and have a choice of end products ranging from wall art to tote bags to using their work to embellish an upcycled garment. In addition to skills learned in years 7 & 8, students develop skills in:

  • digital transfer printing
  • free machine embroidery
  • hand embroidery
  • couching

Verbal feedback is given regularly in lessons as students work to help them develop skills and confidence in using materials, techniques and equipment. On a more formal basis students will receive 2 Key Assessed Work grades over each unit of work.

  • The first for designing - this covers all sketchbook work and assesses the way that ideas and practical skills develop as students test and trial techniques and explore visual source material from artists, designers and cultures.
  • The second for making - this looks at the final made outcome and focusses on the skills and creativity using a variety of textile techniques.