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useful links for ceiag

The following are used extensively in the school in the delivery of the CEIAG programme.


The Universities and Colleges Admissions Service is a UK-based organisation whose main role is to operate the application process for British universities.


Unifrog is the complete destinations platform – a one-stop-shop for students across KS3, KS4 and KS5 regardless of their interests or academic ability.


The UK's official comparison site for higher education courses.


Kudos lets students explore subject choices and shortlist careers to help inform their post-16 and post-18 options.


We are a partner school for InvestIN Education. Their programmes give students aged 12-18 an immersive experience of their dream career. Looking for a life-changing career experience? Pick from 26 career paths and get started!

  Introduction to InvestIN Eduction

  Discover InvestIN

  InvestIN Alumni

  InvestIN Summer Experiences 2022


The "University and Your Future: Career Planning and Making the Most of Your Degree Course" from Future Learn


A website which is open to everyone which uses the power of personal stories to inform and inspire young people's career choices.


Allows students to search thousands of UK opportunities and apprenticeships.


Choose an apprenticeship, find an employer and contact a learning provider.


Apprenticeships, traineeships and internships - Finding an apprenticeship, internship or traineeship plus guidance for employers on offering training opportunities.


Providing a route into hundreds of different careers, including many in organisations that provide NHS healthcare.


GoCompare has put together a report that reveals the riskiest jobs in the UK, seeing how dangerous each industry is and analysing average salaries across the UK to find out how much you can earn if you choose to work in one of the top five riskiest professions.