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Throughout the careers programme at Torquay Girls’ Grammar School, students are encouraged to develop their independence.  Thinking about work experience begins in year 7 and continues through to year 13. Students are encouraged to experience and learn about the workplace and the skills and qualities valued in it. The programme gives students the opportunity to explore the viability of their career ideas. More importantly, it allows students to reflect upon themselves: their own skills, qualities and how they wish to develop them for employability.

Careers News

Download the Detailed Careers Programme


Find out about Careers Zones from Success at School

Find out about Apprenticeships

Find out about Labour Market Information

Useful links for CEIAG

Connecting Learners to Employers
A new careers tool featuring a live chat service which is linked 24/7 to Employers from a wide range of sectors, all waiting to hear from you.


Heart of the South West logo

Careers Hub

Student Padlet