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Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural Development

Curricular Intent:
Torquay Girls’ Grammar School places spiritual, moral, cultural and social education at the very heart of our school and this is underpinned by our 10 healthy habits. The school’s holistic provision of SMSC includes high expectations of learning, behaviour and attendance to facilitate the personal development of all students. When students leave our school, they are prepared for adult life and understand the importance of being active citizens with an appreciation of fundamental British values. The school environment actively challenges students to engage with learning beyond the classroom and develop interdisciplinary skills which are transferable to the workplace.

SMSC is delivered through our broad and balanced curriculum including PSHE (which is taught discretely from KS3-5), assemblies, tutor times and whole school events. Torquay Girls’ Grammar school also offers a vast array of enrichment opportunities, including extra-curricular activities, super-curricular learning, challenge days and school trips.

Below are examples of the SMSC provision at Torquay Girls’ Grammar School.

The spiritual development of all students is promoted in the following ways:

  • Religious Studies and Ethics and Values: Students develop knowledge and respect for different people’s faiths, feelings and values.
  • We have empowered students to be involved in the curriculum design of Religious Studies.
  • The tutorial programme and assemblies celebrate key religious celebrations throughout the year.
  • Staff and students have access to a multi-faith prayer room which allows time for stillness and personal reflection, and we also have a Christian Union group which meets regularly.
  • Subject teachers encourage students to embrace challenge and develop intellectual curiosity and creativity by exploring learning beyond the confines of the classroom.
  • The curriculum design provides opportunities for students to actively reflect upon their learning experiences.

The moral development of all pupils is promoted in the following ways:

  • Philosophy and Ethics engages students with moral questions in modern society.
  • Debating clubs for key stage 4 and key stage 5 facilitates discourse regarding moral and ethical issues.
  • Aspects of PSHE focus upon legal boundaries respecting the civil and criminal laws of England.
  • We have worked with sixth form students to introduce PSHE Sixth Form Ambassadors. These students support the PSHE programme in school by helping to deliver sessions. This is a joint venture with Torquay Boys’ Grammar school.

The social development of all pupils is promoted in the following ways:

  • We offer an incredibly vast array of enrichment opportunities in all key stages including over 30 extra-curricular clubs.
  • House Culture is a key cornerstone of our school and there are regular house competitions throughout the academic year.
  • Trips are offered to all year groups and there is a vast range of day trips and residential trips.
  • Students can participate in a diverse range of extra-curricular activities, including Ten Tors, Duke of Edinburgh (organised by our Outdoor Activities Leader) and surf club etc...
  • Students actively volunteer to support the local community, for example, leading the Junior League of Friends which supports Torbay Hospital, as well as fundraising for local and national charities throughout the year.
  • The school holds an annual sponsored walk (supported by sixth form students) to raise funds for Imprezza our partner school in Kenya.
  • We offer a range of peer mentoring schemes through the Hub Scheme and the leadership teams in the 3 key stages.
  • Students are encouraged to apply for leadership opportunities, and we run hustings for head girl positions and heads of houses.
  • We celebrate UK Parliament Week, and it runs in tandem with our Head Girl election.
  • We have an eco-club in school and students led an e-petition which was commended by climate change activists. Students also went to Parliament to present their petition to the former Business Secretary.
  • We welcome a variety of external visitors to school including peers, local MPs, STEM leaders etc....
  • The Careers newsletter promotes a huge number of opportunities for students to engage with.
  • There is a focus upon employability skills through assemblies and challenge days.
  • Drama and musical productions are held at various points throughout the year.
  • We have provision for SEND students to access quiet areas and clubs.
  • We are working with Torquay Boys’ Grammar school regarding joint provision of some of the PSHE curriculum.

The core values of inclusion, diversity and equality are championed throughout the school, supporting the cultural development of pupils in the following ways:

  • There is a key stage 3 and key stage 4/5 Gender and Sexuality Alliance for students which is supported by staff who have attended Stonewall training. Students from this group are provided with a safe space for discussion and opportunities to raise awareness of diversity, inclusion and equality with the rest of the school community.
  • Tutorial periods include a fortnightly celebration of diversity board and assemblies often focus upon moral development.
  • The PSHE curriculum includes citizenship and students' acceptance and engagement with the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs; they develop and demonstrate skills and attitudes that will allow them to participate fully in and contribute positively to life in modern Britain.
  • Subjects embrace cultural diversity, for example in Art, English, History, Geography and RE
  • The curriculum develops student understanding and appreciation of the wide range of cultural influences that have shaped their own heritage and that of others, for example in History lessons
  • The TGGS House culture supports cultural development through a variety of competitions and the annual charity week.
  • The school’s relationship with Imprezza school in Kenya allows students to have an understanding and appreciation of the range of different cultures.
  • The school has a fully equipped gym and the walking circuit accessible for students and staff
  • Students are encouraged to join sporting clubs and we have some students who compete nationally and internationally.
  • There is a real cosmopolitan environment in the school as students from other countries join our sixth form every year.
  • During national general elections, the school runs a mock general election which is student led.